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3-26-2025 Notice of RCD1 Drainage System Record Correction Public Hearing Continuation

Ramsey County Ditch 1 (RCD1) Drainage System Record Correction Public Hearing Continuation

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) will continue the public hearing on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. during its regularly scheduled meeting. This is a continuation from the January 22, 2025 public hearing. RCWD has established the option for the public to participate in its meetings either in-person or virtually. The in-person public hearing will be at the Mounds View City Council Chambers, 2401 County Hwy 10, Mounds View, MN 55112. Public participation using interactive technology will also be possible using Zoom. See the instructions below. The Board will be considering recommended changes to correct the official record of Ramsey County Ditch 1 public drainage system. The board will also consider written and verbal testimony from the public. An engineer’s report discussing the system’s historic alignment, dimension, and grade can be found online at the following website address: or at the District office at 4325 Pheasant Ridge Dr. NE, Suite 611, Blaine, MN 55449. 763-398-3070.

Questions and comments on the system can be directed by email to Tom Schmidt at (preferred), phone at 763-398-3076, or to the address above.

Join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 829 1639 8438

Passcode: 826191

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 829 1639 8438

Passcode: 826191

In addition, by a declaration under Minnesota Open Meeting Law Section 13D.021, all meetings of the RCWD Board of Managers are in person and public while recognizing that a Manager may, based on advice from a health care professional, have a legitimate reason for not attending a meeting in a public place in person, such as COVID-19 exposure or infection, and in such circumstances may participate in the meeting remotely.
