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6-17-2024 Announcement- Water Levels Across the District

6-17-2024 Announcement- Water Levels Across the District

Rain, rain, and more rain. We have a few important messages and information regarding rain/water issues across the watershed.

*Rice Creek is running high, but no flooding right now.
Check out the Rice Creek graph below: 2024 is in blue, and 2023 is in brown. Currently, Middle Rice Creek at Hwy 8 is flowing at around 160 cubic ft per second (cfs). For reference, the long-term average is usually closer to 75 cfs. We’ve seen it reach over 300 cfs before!

With the forecasted rain, we might get close to those higher levels. Unlike last year’s flash drought after the major snowmelt in April, this year the flow remains high.

*Some lakes are VERY high right now. Clear Lake is nearing a record!
See Clear Lake graph below for more details. The DNR is monitoring water levels in the Lamprey Pass WMA, west of Clear Lake, including Mud and Howard Lakes. They’ve noted these are the highest levels they’ve ever seen on their property.

DNR and MnDOT are actively checking channels and culverts to keep everything clear and facilitate runoff.

*Some lake levels are still catching up after years of severe drought.  White Bear and Turtle are in this category.  See graph for White Bear below.  The graph lags; newest readings on White Bear are ~922.7.  So, going up, but still well below the 2020 highs. 

*Ditch systems remain high.

Stay safe and stay informed! Check our website and social media periodically for these types of announcements.
