About the RCWD
The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) is a proactive and forward-thinking organization dedicated to the management and conservation of the Rice Creek Watershed in Minnesota. RCWD covers approximately 186 square miles of urban and rural lands in Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, and Washington counties. The area includes 28 towns, cities, and townships.
We are guided by the RCWD 2020 Watershed Management Plan, a comprehensive document that outlines our vision and strategies for effective watershed management.
District Governance
RCWD is a special-purpose unit of government that was established by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) on January 18, 1972 upon petition by citizens, county boards, and cities. Our mission is to manage, protect, and improve the water resources of the District through flood control and water quality projects and programs.

RCWD’s Goals and Priorities
RCWD’s primary goal is to protect and improve water quality throughout the watershed. Through rigorous monitoring programs, flood control projects, and implementation of best management practices, we strive to improve the health of our water resources.
A key aspect of RCWD’s work is flood control. The plan outlines strategies to manage stormwater effectively, reduce flood risks, and prevent erosion within the watershed. By implementing stormwater management techniques and maintaining a comprehensive drainage system, we aim to mitigate the impacts of flooding and safeguard our communities.
Preserving and improving natural resources is another top priority for RCWD. The plan highlights our commitment to protecting wetlands, conserving critical habitats, and promoting sustainable land use practices.
Community engagement is critical to our success. RCWD actively involves stakeholders, residents, and organizations in decision-making processes, encouraging public participation in our activities. Collaboration with local governments such as cities and counties and other organizations allows us to leverage resources and expertise for the benefit of the watershed.
RCWD Annual Report
Review annual goals, priorities, and accomplishments in the RCWD Annual Report, available in Resources section below.
Addressing Flood Concerns in the Rice Creek Watershed District
A high priority of RCWD is managing the peak rate and volume of runoff from the landscape to reduce potential flood damages in receiving surface waters. We work to address existing flooding issues and impacts of future development through several of its projects and programs.
District Wide Hydrology Model
RCWD developed and maintains the “District Wide Model”. This engineer’s model is an adaptive management tool which is continuously updated as RCWD and its partners discover more information about the landscape and the in-place infrastructure and built environment.
The tool is available by license agreement for private parties to develop their specific plans, visit the Get Involved “City and County Partner’s page” for more information.
Contact Us
If you have questions about Rice Creek Watershed District, please contact: