Citizen Advisory Committee
RCWD’s Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) is an appointed group of residents and representatives from various organizations who work together to advise and assist the RCWD managers in matters concerning the watershed district.
The CAC plays a crucial role in making recommendations on projects and activities within the district. The CAC ensures a comprehensive understanding of the community’s needs. Members are encouraged to serve for more than one year, allowing them to develop expertise in RCWD operations, and staggered terms ensure a balance of experienced and new members who actively participate in meetings throughout the year.
Spots open in Anoka County and Washington County.
Apply today, application below.
Committee Application
Fillable application below in Resources section.
Applications can be emailed to Kendra Sommerfeld, RCWD Communications and Outreach Manager, at or mailed to RCWD offices at 4325 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, #611, Blaine, MN 55449.
Why Should You Join the Citizen Advisory Committee
- Guide and recommend projects and programs in the watershed
- Advocate and teach about water quality in our community
- Learn about water quality and watershed management from professionals
- Attend local events, workshops, volunteer events, etc.
- Share your ideas, priorities, and concerns to RCWD
- Make professional connections
- Meet other professionals and community members
- Opportunities for paid professional trainings, conference fees, etc. that pertain to your CAC position
Unless otherwise noted, the CAC meetings occur on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm at the Rice Creek Watershed District offices, 4325 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, #611, Blaine, MN 55449.
There are no meetings in July or December.
CAC Operating Procedures
Citizen Advisory Committee Operating Procedures manual that lists how the committee governors itself.
Learn MoreContact
If you would like to join the RCWD Citizen Advisory Committee, please contact: