Bald Eagle Lake Rain Garden
White Bear Township, Minnesota
Completion Date
Water Body
Bald Eagle Lake
Funding Sources
Rice Creek Watershed District, Ramsey County Conservation District/BWSR
Minnesota Water Stewards, Ramsey County Conservation District
This project enhanced the shoreline around Bald Eagle Lake through the installation of a rain garden and shoreline stabilization. Before the project, untreated runoff from West Ave and Bald Eagle Blvd flowed directly into the lake through a historic boat launch, which was unusable at the time. The Ramsey Conservation District designed a two-phase plan for the project. Phase 1 involved the removal of existing concrete and the installation of a two-celled rain garden to filter runoff before it reached the lake. This addressed approximately 9,019 sq. ft. of road drainage. Phase 2 focused on shoreline restoration to improve aesthetics and provide additional filtration.
The project was initiated by the RCWD Water Stewards, Gary Krejarcek from the Bald Eagle Lake Association and Mike Hermann, an Environmental Studies graduate from the University of St. Thomas. As part of their Water Steward program, they also developed an education and outreach plan for the project as well.
The project has multiple benefits, including reducing runoff and pollutants entering the lake, addressing waste load allocations, enhancing public usability, and educating the community on water quality improvements.
The cost for both phases was $42,989. RCWD awarded funds from its Water Quality Grant program in the amount of $22,250 to cost-share this project.
The Ramsey Conservation District secured a $10,000 grant from the BWSR Cost-Share program as well.
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