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Moore Lake Iron Enhanced Sand Filter


Fridley, Minnesota

Completion Date



Approx. $500,000



Water Body

Moore Lake

Funding Sources

City of Fridley, BWSR Clean Water Fund, Rice Creek Watershed District


City of Fridley, Clean Water Fund

Iron Enhanced Sand Filter at Moore Lake Park
Iron Enhanced Sand Filter at Moore Lake Park
Picture from City of Fridley: Drone Shot of Moore Lake and Moore Lake Park
Moore Lake

East Moore Lake was classified as an Impaired Water for excess nutrients in 2002, with a TMDL approved in 2015. The Rice Creek Watershed District identifies it as a Protection lake, focusing on maintaining and improving water quality.

The project aims to enhance water quality and recreational suitability at East Moore Lake in Fridley. East Moore Lake suffers from excess nutrients and periodic high E. coli levels, impairing its recreational use. To address this, the project will install a biochar- and iron-enhanced sand filter to treat runoff from a 94-acre urban area. Additionally, shoreline turf will be converted to a native plant buffer to reduce geese aggregation and filter runoff. Expected outcomes include improved water quality and clarity, reduced bacteria levels in the beach area, and enhanced recreational opportunities.

Annual reduction of 18 lbs of nutrients, achieving 25% of the required external load reduction in the TMDL, along with a decrease in E. coli and other bacteria levels in the lake.

Moore Lake Park, a heavily used recreation area in Fridley, has suffered from declining water quality, leading to occasional beach closures due to high E. coli levels. The City’s Draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the Moore Lake Park Master Plan include actions such as shoreline restoration and installation of iron-enhanced sand filters to improve lake water quality. The Rice Creek WD 2020 Management Plan also supports BMP implementation for Moore Lake.

The Southwest Urban Lake Nutrient TMDL and subsequent Stormwater Retrofit Analysis identified external sources as the main contributors to nutrient loading in East Moore Lake.

The Moore Lake Park Master Plan includes additional water quality improvement measures such as no-mow grasses, wetland restoration, and native plantings. The city has engaged in goose management and promoted pollinator-friendly initiatives, enhancing the overall environmental benefits of the project.

Funding was provided from the Clean Water Funds of $400,000 and funding from RCWD of approx. $70,000 (not to exceed $100,000) with a cost-share match from the City of Fridley.

Iron Enhanced Sand Filter running with water after a large rain storm

Additional Information:

East Moore Lake City Website

Clean Water Fund Website: East Moore Lake Enhancement

To Learn More Contact:

David Petry

Project Manager