Peltier Lake Drawdown
Centerville and Lino Lakes, Minnesota
Completion Date
Water Body
Peltier Lake
Funding Sources
Rice Creek Watershed District
Peltier Lake homeowners, Anoka County Parks, City of Centerville, MN Department of Natural Resources, City of Lino Lakes, MN Pollution Control Agency, St. Paul Regional Water Services
Peltier Lake has been plagued by frequent algae blooms, caused by excess phosphorus. A 2013 study conducted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the RCWD revealed that around 60% of the phosphorus loading is internal, largely due to the presence of the invasive plant species, curlyleaf pondweed. The lake is classified as “impaired” by the MPCA and does not meet water quality standards. To address this issue, RCWD staff proposed a water level drawdown for Peltier Lake, which was extensively discussed with state and local stakeholders.
A drawdown helps by reducing the presence of curlyleaf pondweed and consolidating shallow lake sediments. Curlyleaf pondweed forms dense patches in spring, interfering with recreation and contributing to algae blooms. By exposing shallow sediments to freezing and drying conditions, curlyleaf pondweed can be controlled, while mucky near-shore sediments will be compacted, preventing nutrient-rich sediments from re-suspending in summer and promoting the growth of native plants.
The drawdown was conducted using a bypass structure within the existing Peltier Lake dam, owned, and operated by St. Paul Regional Water Services. The project operated under a permit from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) (Public Waters Permit #2016-1416), and an aerator owned by Anoka County Parks was used to protect fish during winter.
RCWD continues to monitor and evaluate this project.
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