Rice Creek Watershed District Teams Up with Fridley and Local Artist for Water-Themed Public Art
Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) and artist Jessica Turtle, is set to create a public art installation at the newly renovated Moore Lake Park in partnership with the City of Fridley and their Public Art Commission.
From Minnesota Water Steward Art for Water Program to Moore Lake Park
The journey to the Moore Lake Park art installation began with the Minnesota Water Steward Art for Water program. RCWD sponsored a Water Steward artist this year, tasked with completing a public art installation as their capstone project. RCWD then collaborated with the White Bear Lake Center for the Arts to find a qualified artist, leading to the selection of Jessica Turtle as the Water Steward artist.

A Water-Themed Installation in Moore Lake Park
Turtle, known for her dynamic and collaborative public artworks, specializes in pieces that advocate for environment, wildlife, and other natural resource aspects. Her commitment to water resources and the interdependence of ecosystems aligns perfectly with RCWD’s goals. Her ability to connect with the public and inspire community involvement is seen as a perfect match for Fridley and RCWD’s vision.

Turtle’s installation in Moore Lake Park will not only beautify the space but also serve as a vital tool for water resource related outreach and education in the future. RCWD looks forward to collaborating with the artist and the city on these education and outreach efforts. This project represents RCWD’s first large-scale public art piece with a local artist, showing their commitment to community engagement and water resource stewardship.
Looking Ahead
As RCWD moves forward with this exciting art project, residents can look forward to a more vibrant and engaged community, inspired by the power of public art and the vital message of water resource stewardship. The collaboration between RCWD, Jessica Turtle, and City of Fridley sets the path forward for more water resource related public art and community engagement across the watershed.
There will be an open house at Moore Lake Park, June 1st at 11am, for the park renovations as well as introducing the art project and partnerships. After the open house we’ll move to selecting an art concept design with the Fridley’s Public Art Commission and hopefully have the art piece complete by end of 2024 or early 2025.
“This art project presents a unique opportunity for the RCWD to enhance education and outreach efforts in this community. We want to engage residents in a new way, sparking conversations about water resource conservation, protection, and watershed management. Art has the power to inspire action and foster connections to our water resources, and we’re excited to leverage this project to further our mission within the watershed.” – Kendra Sommerfeld, Communication and Outreach Manager, Rice Creek Watershed District.

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